
6 Best Keyword Research Tools for SEO – 2021 Updated Tools

keyword research tools

Keyword research has now proven to be a mandatory and an important criterion for optimizing your blog. In this era of digital marketing, you can make good use of some valuable keywords to target customers for your brand or products. Here you’ll find a list of the 6 best keyword research tools that everyone can use.

Keyword research has also become an important social media marketing strategy with time. It blends with other SEO tactics to generate organic traffic and drive it to your blog or site. It is an integral part of your blog as it will help in generating and bringing more traffic to your website.

Keywords are short words that are topic-related and people usually search for them when they look up a specific topic. Integrating the right keywords in your blog will help you get more exposure and also bring more traffic to your website, organically.

If you are a blogger or a business owner looking to grow your website by integrating keywords then you have come to the right place. Here you’ll find a list of the 6 best keyword research tools that both beginners and pros use.

Some of the best keyword research tools you can use for your website:

Google Search Console

Google Search Console

It is a tool powered by Google and can be used in finding the right keywords for your blog or website. It provides you the report on which of your post is doing great on the Google search list.

It can be used to find opportunity keywords, which are basically keywords in which you rank between 8-20 in Google for a particular keyword.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

This is one of the best keyword research tools that you can use to find thousands of profitable keywords in just a few clicks. Yes, that’s right, it has keyword suggestions in thousands. It runs on a really large database which includes about 7 billion keywords, updated monthly. It gives a definitive report on keyword difficulty comparing it to other top-ranking pages for your particular keyword.

Ahrefs provide you with advanced SEO scalable option. This includes your click percentage, percentage of paid clicks, return rate, and searches based on each click.

You can understand why are top-ranking pages more and what can you inculcate to get the same or better results. Ahrefs gives you keywords with the most accurate search volume of the word.

Google Trends

Google Trends

It is another great keyword research tool powered by Google. Google Trends gives you the option to search for a particular keyword and also find out if the search volume is increasing or decreasing over time.

Because you do not definitely want to use a keyword that is not in the search list of people.

Google trend also provides you with a report of how well your particular is doing on YouTube, being the second most well-known search engine. Google trend will be most useful for you if you are someone who is into writing evergreen content, content that will have the same value as facts.

As it can help you find if your keywords will bring more traffic or decrease the traffic over a long period of time.


keyword research tools

It is in some way similar to UberSuggest. It is a powerful keyword research tool that can be used to find huge numbers of keywords.

KeywordTool allows you to filter your searches according to what you need. It allows you to analyze your competitor’s site and prepare a detailed report on all the keywords used and how great it is doing in the search list. This you can simply do by copying and pasting their website link.

Overall, it is one of the best keyword research tools that you can use anytime.

Moz Keyword Explorer

keyword research tools

It is another powerful keyword research tool that can be used to find the most appropriate keyword for your website or blog. It comes with Organic CTR which gives you the clicks you get if you manage to get in the top 10 of the search list.

With priority, you can be prepared for a definitive score telling you if you should be using or targeting a particular keyword. This will help in determining the route your website will take in the marketing journey. The only thing that people do not like using Moz is because you have to pay for their whole plan to use the feature.

Keywords Everywhere

keyword research tools

This is also another powerful keyword research tool that falls in the paid category. Keywords Everywhere give you a detailed report on your particular keyword and also related keywords termed as “People Also Search For”. It helps you analyze and monitor your page thoroughly.

It provides you with accurate keywords and filters our unnecessary keywords which will be useless to you. You can enter your own desired keyword and see if it can be helpful to you by getting their search volumes.

Keywords Everywhere is truly a powerful keyword research tool that everyone should use. It comes as a chrome extension and really does wonders when comes to keyword finding and analysis.

I hope this list of keyword research tools can help you pick the right one for you. We’ll keep updating this page with more exciting tools in the future.

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